
Bobcat by Allison Collins Photo by Lori Ayre Bobcat In summer, my husband saw a mother bobcattrit-trot across the bridge up the road,trailing three cubs.Like me, I thought. He’d warned the men working there,orange-vested and steel-toed, to be wary.Warned, too, the...

Certainty is Another Word for Despair

Certainty is Another Word for Despair by Joe Wilkins Illustration by Gregory Poulin Certainty is Another Word for Despair The boys have dividedthemselves onto opposite halves of the ridge. The pinescontinue dying of beetle infestation,the whole southern sky heaves...


Emergence by Henry Hughes Photo by Henry Hughes Emergence         Ankeny Wildlife Refuge The Rail Trail’s shotgunned sign, squashed masks, and slick boardwalk are engagements of neglectthat don’t faze the song sparrow, the wrenriding out winter among the purple leaves...


Return by Penina Ava Taesali-Matthews Photo by John Lewis Matthews Return You are here. Use your good ear. Sense there, high at one-o-clock, on that dead snag, two adult bald eagles. One lifts its head chortling to the sun. Winter rains restore the marsh. We are good...

Bird Time, Baskett Slough

Bird Time, Baskett Slough by Lex Runciman Photo by Lex Runcimain Bird Time, Baskett Slough Under winter geese-talk descending, we’re listening to, listening forsmall staccato, ratchet and chatter, pure notes, four notes, lilt and lull, repeating – not exactly call and...

Dissolution Song

Dissolution Song by Karen Holmberg Photo by Karen Holmberg Dissolution Song          Finley Wildlife Refuge ∴ Nothing’s lost or done for. Untold gillions toil and till, slit tight hulls, unshroud. A gust tussles lung lichen, tousling the old god’s suit to loosen dusty...